EEOC House Appropriations Language

We need to convince the Senate that the Call Center is a bad idea.  The following language from the House side supports a Call Center.  Please call your Senators and urge them to sign onto the Kennedy letter. 

Language from the Commerce Justice and State Subcommittee's proposed appropriations bill. The recommendation contains the following regarding the Call Center and EEOC Restructuring and Repositioning:

"language prohibiting the Commission from taking action to implement any workforce repositioning or reorganization unless the Committee has been notified in advance of such proposals, in accordance with the reprogramming procedures under section 605 of this Act.   In this regard, the recommendation includes $1,021,000 for continued implementation of the National Contact Center, which shall only be available subject to the submission of a spending plan to the Committee in accordance with the reprogramming procedures under Section 605 of this act."